Welcome to my website.
An everchanging style and theme-based site for me to showcase all of what I do.
Whether it be artwork, photography, tattoos or apparel of my own design, you will find it within these pages.
I have been an artist my whole life. From childhood until the present, I have strived to create constantly. Owning my own studio and gallery has opened my eyes to diversify more and try to be more of a people person. That has not always been my strong suit. As I get older, I appreciate more how my work touches people, as opposed to just for myself. It’s humbling and gratifying to be able to have touched so many lives.
Growing up and starting my life in Philadelphia was great, however, I am an ever-changing person and I always feel I need to be doing something more. After relocating to Florida in 2008, I jumped from city to city, trying to find my home. When I had reached Saint Petersburg, I felt an instant connection. Maybe it reminded of home a bit, maybe it was just close enough to the beach but not right on it. Who knows, but I stayed. I made a decision, the smartest one in my life, to stop drinking and settle down. It wasn’t until this decision, that everything started feeling right.
During that transition time, I met the most incredible woman and person that I have ever come across. She supports all of my crazy ideas and has my back in thick and thin. I have never met such a selfless person as her. She is my rock, my world, and to be honest, one of the most influential people in my life. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have the courage to branch out and take the chances I do.
With that said, in the midst of the pandemic, and all the hardships we have struggled through, she once again supported my need to start my own studio. Nocturnal Studio and Gallery, located in Gulfport Fl. has been a culmination of all my life’s work. I can showcase my work, create photography, tattoos, sculpture, paintings and every crazy idea I have in between. It is not an amazing time in history to throw everything at a new business, but we did it. And I couldn’t be more excited. Thank you, Rachael, and thank you all for checking out my site. I appreciate every one of you, from the bottom of my heart!
Ps. I am constantly updating and changing the look of the sight, due to my brain…lol